Webinar: Kako iskoristiti društvene mreže u promociji novinarstva?
Webinar: Kako iskoristiti društvene mreže u promociji novinarstva?
The webinar series “Embracing the change – Journalists as Social Media Influencers”
Join us and hear from CNN's top news directors and producers Emma Lacey-Bordeaux and Janelle Davis!
In this 5th webinar, Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, writer, journalist and Senior Director of Standards and Practices based in Washington D.C. and Janelle Davis, CNN’s producer for emerging platforms based in New York City, will discuss the newsroom cultures in which journalists can thrive as social media influencers.
They will discuss strategies to fostering success and reaching new audiences online, and also look at where journalists should proceed with caution. Janelle will give examples of how different platforms provide different opportunities for top-notch, engaging storytelling. Emma will outline best practices when using third party applications for journalistic purposes.
REGISTRATION (free) on this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mM1ahCeFTiGXSZNMHJ8vMQ