O Mediacentru - Saopštenja

From 22nd to 24th June, around twenty Croatian journalists will meet in Opatija to discuss investigative journalism. The discussion topics will include: investigative process – from idea to its realization, investigative journalist techniques and tools, ethical dilemmas, the use of computers in journalistic research, opportunities for training and networking of investigative journalists, and joint collaboration on stories.
From 19th to 24th June 2006, the Mediacentar Sarajevo will host the representatives of Moldavian media. Nine journalists coming from the region Transnistria in the Republic of Moldavia will visit the media outlets and non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the study visit is to get an insight into best practices in the area of promoting mutual understanding, trust building and the overcoming of the issues related to the aftermath of war.
Reporting on war crimes in the countries of the region was the main topic of the roundtable discussion held on 18th and 19th May in the Mediacentar Sarajevo, organized by the Transitions Online.  Eighteen NGO and media representatives from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro took part in the roundtable discussions.
The workshop program is facilitated by director Pjer Žalica, whose documentary (‘MGM Sarajevo’, ‘Djeca kao i svaka druga’ - Children like any other) and feature films (‘Gori vatra’ – Fuse, ‘Kod amidže Idriza’ – At uncle Idriz’s) have received several awards. The workshop participants will be introduced to the peculiarities of filming a documentary from the director’s artistic angle. The workshop will be held from 26 to 30 June in the Mediacentar Sarajevo. Applications deadline is 12 June.
The second and last workshop of the ‘Investigative Reporting Program: organised crime stories' was very intensive in terms of work thanks to the trainers, but also extraordinary efforts of the participants who had made huge progress between the two workshops in terms of investigating their stories. As part of the workshop, a significant section of work was devoted to the following thematic modules: investigative reporting and ethics, as well as database search. The workshop was held from 8th to 11th May in the Mediacentar Sarajevo.
