
Brisanje termina rodni identitet iz Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srpske

The initiative was launched due to incorrect information and prejudice

Napredak je moguć kada ti neko ukazuje na greške

The role of citizens and the civil sector in the fight for better quality journalism is irreplaceable.

Kad nauka kaže - To je to

Tackling Health Disinformation Through Education on Scientific Consensus

Slučaj femicida u Gradačcu ukazao na neefikasnost moderacije sadržaja na mrežama

The case of femicide that happened in Gradačac on 11th August showed the inefficiency of content moderation on social networks, especially in cases of live broadcasting.

Experiences from the courtroom

The book The first draft of history: Journalists - witnesses before the Hague Tribunal was born out of the need to understand and convey the experience of journalists who testified before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Below is one of the chapters from the book, written by Elvira Jukic-Mujkic.
