media freedom

Verbal Attacks on Journalists – recurrent and without any consequence

Attacks against Kosovo journalists, to a large extent, remain unsolved.

Newsmen Lack Freedom: Journalism in Albania is at the Whim of Politics and Owner Interests

A handful of people own most of the mainstream media in Albania. Experts say that the concentration of ownership undermines freedom of speech by censoring journalists.

Colleagues as Targets

In addition to the attacks journalists experience from fellow citizens, readers, politicians, public personalities and people whose affairs they investigate, they are also often targeted by their colleagues.

Attacks on Journalists: How to Become a “Traitor of Your People”

The pattern: first, the government targets you; then come attacks on social media.

Pakistanski novinar u Velikoj Kladuši: Izbjeglica iz neslobode

Interview with Muhammad Yasir, Pakistani journalist among migrants.

Editorial Autonomy at Risk in Europe

State should not be allowed to use state advertisement as a tool to pressure media.

Support to the Novosti weekly

Media experts from the SEE region have issued a statement expressing their disagreement with the demands made by Croatian association "In the Name of the Family", which asked for discontinuation of financial support to the Novosti weekly.

CRD marks the 250th anniversary of the Swedish Freedom of the press act

Free speech and access to information is more important than ever.

SEENPM urges swift investigation of possible attack on president of Croatian Journalists’ Association
Journalism in Turkey: my days in jail after the coup

The attempted coup of July 15 had a harsh impact on Turkish media and journalists.


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