Magazin: Investigative journalism

It seemed like a good idea to a female colleague and me. No one on our all-Balkan seven person reporting team had ever been to a night bar. Yet, we were collaborating on a two-week investigation that included the sex trafficking business in northeastern BiH.

Two years ago when infamous Prijedor night bar owner Milorad Milakovic publically called for the legalization of prostitution in the Arizona Market and the rest of Brcko District, district officials could not get far enough away from the idea.
Matija Misic is a Balkans hedonist and the Arizona Market is his playground.
When I walk into the coordinator’s office a short and emaciated girl with no make-up and a man’s short haircut is the first to greet me. She shakes my hand, says she is originally from Moldova and gives her name as Tatiana, which is a pseudonym to protect her from discovery by her “owners” during her life of prostitution.
The billboard in downtown Brcko looks as if it is advertising a shopping mall in California.
