Magazin: Investigative journalism

This Checklist was developed by journalists, journalism professors and diversity advisers at a workshop at Carleton University in June, 1995. It contains tips for beat and general reporters, desk and assignment editors, and for senior management.
Realities of the Internet
"Mozhe vodka" ["may I vodka"], a girl around 17 asks in broken Macedonian, perching herself on the edge of our table. Then she nods to her colleague at the bar. We are the only clients. Her name is Deya... by Yovo Nikolov (Capital, Bulgaria)
It is Sunday afternoon at the “Faraon” restaurant, a slightly more substantial wooden building than the rest of the 3,000 wooden kiosks that make up the Brcko District’s sprawling Arizona Market in northeast Bosnia. But just like the rest of them the Faraon has a parking lot for a toilet.
