Boro Kontić

Boro Kontić
Boro Kontić has worked at Mediacentar since it’s founding in April 1995, and with over 30 years of experience he is a veteran in the journalism field. In addition to his current work with Mediacentar, he is a lecturer on training programs for journalists and the School of Strategic Communication, and acts as a consultant on all production projects. He is also the author and producer of such documentaries as “Years eaten by lionsa” (2010), “Untitled” (2011), and “Exhibition” (2012).
Kontić’s previous experience includes working as: the author of the radio program “Primus” (1979-1985), Editor-in-Chief of Radio Sarajevo Youth Program (1987) and Sarajevo Second Program (1990-1992), a member of the RTV BH Supervisory Board (May-December 1992), and as a war correspondent at Voice of America for the duration of the BiH war.
From 1994 to 2003, Kontić acted as President to the Independent Union of Professional Journalists. Moreover, Kontić is the recipient of several international wards for his radio and television documentaries.