Media Smart: Building resilience to disinformation through training programs for journalists, educators and families

Media Smart: Building resilience to disinformation through training programs for journalists, educators and families
In partnership with Transitions from Prague, Mediacentar continues to carry out activities to strengthen local support structures for developing media literacy of children, their parents and caregivers, journalists, and all other persons who provide additional professional support to parents in educating children.
Through its recognizable approach to the development of a methodology for developing media literacy in the family and the transfer of positive experiences from the Czech Republic, Mediacentar will continue its work on an interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach to informal education during 2023, collaborating with experts from various fields, including the media, the education sector, relevant faculties and heritage institutions such as museums, archives, libraries, youth centres, and other community services.
The intention of this project is to offer innovative solutions for educating parents and children about good media habits and the role of professional media in society, in an effort to reduce the negative impact of harmful content and disinformation.
Some of the project's main components are:
- Training journalists on educational work with children and presenting the journalist profession in schools throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina (2023).
- Working with children, parents, and guardians, to improve the skills of accessing, analysing and evaluating media content in various forms (2023 and 2024).
- Networking of experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region and the Czech Republic through professional conferences (2023) and profiling of experts interested in the topic of children's media education.
- Exchange of experts from the education sector from BiH with experts in the Czech Republic in the form of a study visit (2024).
- Joint campaigns aimed at raising public awareness about the positive and negative aspects of the media and media content, and about the ways in which children, their parents and teaching staff can encourage the development of good media habits and direct children to independent and responsible use of the media (2023 and 2024).
The activities will be supported financially by the Transition Promotion Program of the Government of the Czech Republic.