The Second Workshop of the Investigative Reporting Program
The Second workshop of the ‘Investigative Reporting Program: organised crime stories', will include topics dealing with the investigative reporting ethics and database search. The workshop participants will work intensively on investigative stories. The workshop will take place from 8th to 11th May in the Mediacentar Sarajevo. Twelve participants from BiH, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro will take part in the Investigative Reporting Program.
The second workshop of the third cycle ‘Investigative Reporting Program: organised crime stories' will start on Monday, 8 May, in the Mediacentar Sarajevo.
The participants will, though intensive work on investigative stories, learn the basis of database search and ethic in investigative reporting.
Some of the workshop topics include:
- Database search - Using Lexis-Nexis- Ethics in journalism – special ethics- Ethical contradictions in the media of the wider region.
The trainers in the workshop are: Saša Leković – Mediacentar Sarajevo / Centre for Investigative Reporting, Zagreb; Branko Čečen – Mediacentar Sarajevo; Professor Gordana Vilović – Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and Paul Cristian Radu – Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism.
Most of the workshop program is devoted to work on participants investigative stories. The participants will work on investigative stories through individual consultations with chief trainers in the program Saša Leković and Branko Čečen. Work with trainers will prepare the participants for the subsequent online work on the stories.
Third cycle of the five month Investigative Reporting Program will end in June 2006, when the participants investigative stories done during the Program are due to be published
All stories will be published on the Net Novinar web portal, in the investigative reporting section, and in the print media outlets for which the participants work.
Investigative Reporting Program is organised by NetNovinar – Centre for investigative reporting and media education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo and Centre for investigative journalism from Zagreb), with cooperation of the E-Net Centre from Sarajevo.
Financial support is provided by the BiH Open Society Fund and Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.