Reporting on Justice and Security in B-H

Title of program: “Analytical Reporting – Justice and Security in B-H”
Working language of program: B/C/S
Final date for applications: 7 November 2007
Program designed for: All B-H journalists working for print and broadcast media.
Duration of the program: November 2007 – February 2008. Two workshops during the three-and-a-half-month program will be held on 13-15 November 2007 and 15-17 January 2008, while the remainder of the program will be based on online education.
Venue of the workshops: Mediacentar Sarajevo (Kolodvorska 3, Sarajevo)
Why should I apply for the program? On Bosnia-Herzegovina’s road to Europe, issues related to capacity building of institutions involved in justice and security issues will be central to establishing a functional rule of law. The role of media and journalists in informing the public on these issues will be very important. Thanks to this program, ten B-H journalists will improve their analytical reporting capacity on legislative and security issues in order to acquaint the public with the situation in the B-H judiciary and security structures.
What will I learn?• How to complete an investigative story synopsis; goals and techniques of investigative reporting; how to find and check out sources; media legislation and its application while working on a story; what ethical dilemmas may appear during an investigation and while writing a story, and how to overcome them.• What is the role and mode of work of B-H state judicial and security institutions; structure of security systems in Bosnia-Herzegovina.• Advanced internet search techniques: ”deep web” search; how to verify information via the web.
Workshop program:The program is based on online education and two workshops which will be held at the Mediacentar Sarajevo; it is designed so that it can be attended alongside regular newsroom work. Using the internet, journalists will communicate with trainers, access training material and, in regular consultation with trainers, work on justice and security stories of their choice. All stories completed during the three-and-a-half-month education will be posted on the regional portal for education and professionalization of journalists, and published/broadcast by media the program participants work for.
About the trainers: Mehmed Halilović is Deputy Ombudsman on Media of FB-H and Rasim Čerimagić is lecturer and trainer in investigative reporting at Media Plan Sarajevo Journalism School. Guest lecturers: Saša Leković, Manager of NetNovinar Training Center; Nevena Ršumović, Editor-in-Chief of web portal; Tarik Sadović, Security Minister of B-H and Deputy Prime Minister of B-H; Benjamin Butković, Editor at BHT1; Dejan Anastasijević, Editor of Belgrade weekly ”Vreme”; and Dženana Karup-Druško, Editor at magazine ”Dani.”
How to apply?
Candidates should submit:
• CV/biography of candidate (education, seminars, training) with personal information• Personal contact information for the candidate and contact information for the media outlet they come from• Written confirmation by the media outlet’s editor-in-chief expressing commitment the outlet will publish/broadcast the candidate’s investigative story/TV/radio piece created during the program• Personal pieces of journalistic work• Letter of motivation (the letter explains the candidate’s motivation to attend the program, describes the candidate’s fields of interest and speaks about his/her professional goals)
Contact persons:
Maša Hilčišin
Lejla Kapetanović
Mediacentar SarajevoPhone number: + 387 33 715 840
Organizers: The organizer is NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb).
The program is funded by the Embassy of Great Britain in Sarajevo in the framework of the Global Conflict Prevention Fund program.