Reporting on Human Trafficking
B-H journalists may attend a workshop entitled “Human Trafficking: Prevention and Protection in B-H” and write investigative stories about human trafficking on a topic of their choice. The workshop will take place on 22-24 April 2007 at Mediacentar Sarajevo. The language of the workshop is B/C/S. The organizer will cover participants’ full costs. Final date for applications: 13 April 2007.
The aim of the workshop is to better acquaint journalists with the issue of human trafficking in B-H. By better informing the public about this issue they can make a contribution to prevention of human trafficking in B-H.
Participants will have better knowledge of the terminology and definition of human trafficking and examine the situation concerning this issue on the global, regional and local level and see how much attention international and B-H media are giving to the issue.
During the workshop, participants will extensively write synopses of stories on topics they suggest, with constant supervision by the lecturer, and learn the basic terms and elements of the human trafficking ring which will be important during research and writing stories.
The lecturer will talk about how to find a victim, how to approach a victim, how to talk to a victim and at the same time how to protect the victim from the public and from human traffickers. After that, the trainer will present actual human trafficking cases which he investigated in his 20-year career as a journalist and which he will analyze together with the workshop participants.
On these examples, participants will learn where and how to find a theme for a story and what elements the investigative story which he or she will write should have.
The lead trainer is Saša Leković, investigative journalism trainer and longtime journalist and editor.
You can see the workshop program here.
The final date for applications is 13 April. The application should contain:
• Candidate CV/biography• Information on whether the candidate attended other workshops on trafficking in people• Candidate personal contact details• Published news work on the issue of human trafficking (if the candidate has published works on this issue)
The workshop is one of a series of activities in the framework of a four-year project entitled “Raising Awareness on Human Trafficking in B-H,” funded by USAID and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with NetNovinar - Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb).