Meeting of Croatian investigative journalists
Around twenty Croatian journalists met in Opatija to discuss investigative journalism from 22nd to 24th June. The discussion topics included: investigative journalism history, ethical dilemmas, the use of computers in journalistic research, opportunities for training and networking of investigative journalists, and joint collaboration on stories.
The experienced investigative journalists were represented their work on investigating war crimes, terrorism and ecological topics. Guest participants of the meeting were journalists from Serbia. The meeting of the Croatian investigative journalists was hosted by the ICEJ (International Centre for the Education of Journalists).
The organizers of the meeting are the SEEMO (South East Europe Media Organisation), and the NetNovinar (The Centre for investigative journalism and media education established by the Mediacentar Sarajevo and the CIN Zagreb). It was the first of the South East European Invstigative Reporting Forum meetings. By the end of the year, a meeting of Serbian journalists interested in investigative journalism will be organized, and in 2007, there will be meetings of investigative journalists from Albania, Romania, and Bulgaria.
Working meeting of investigative journalists form CroatiaICEJ, Nazorova 2, Opatija22nd to 24th June 2006.Organizers:
SEEMO (Vienna),NetNovinar (MCS, Sarajevo / CIN, Zagreb)____________________________________________________________
Day 1: Thursday (22 June 2006)
16.00 -16.30: Registration of participants
16.30 – 16.45: IntroductionOliver Vujović (the SEEMO)Saša Leković (the NetNovinar-training centre for journalists, Sarajevo/Zagreb)
16.45 -17.30: What is (not) investigative journalism (Saša Leković)
17.30 -17.45: Break
17.45 -18.30: Media ethics– Dr Gordana Vilović (ICEJ)
18.30 – 18.45: Break
18.45-19.30: Media ethics / continued – Dr Gordana Vilović (ICEJ)
Day 2: Friday (23rd June 2006)
10.00 -11.00: From the idea for investigative story to writing it (Saša Leković)
11.00 -11.15: Break
11.15 -12.15: From the idea for investigative story to writing it - continued (Saša Leković)
12.15 -13.30: Lunch break
13.30 -14.30: Networking of investigative journalists and cross-country cooperation (Saša Leković)
14.30 -14.45: Break
14.45 -15.45: Computer Assisted Reporting(Nevena Ršumović, editor of the Netnovinar portal)
15.45 -16.00: Break
16.00 -17.00: Computer Assisted Reporting - continued(Nevena Ršumović, editor of the Netnovinar portal)
Day 3: Saturday (24 June 2006)10.00 -11.00: How I researched war crimes – Drago Hedl (Feral Tribune)
11.00 -11.15: Break
11.15 -12.15: How I researched war crimes /continued – Drago Hedl (Feral Tribune)
12.15 -13.30: Lunch
13.30-14.30: How I researched the award-winning story on the hunt of protected birds (Đorđe Padejski, List Zrenjanin)
14.30-14.45: Break
14.45-15.45: Researching terrorist attacks in ethnically divided society: case study of the car-bomb in Mostar and the killing of Croat policemen in the srednja Bosna region (Esad Hećimović, Dani – Sarajevo)
15.45-16.00: Break
16.00-17.00: Money trail: investigating misuse of humanitarian funds for supporting terrorism (Esad Hećimović, Dani – Sarajevo)
17.00 Closing remarks, Ante Gavranovic, former president of the HND.