Importance of Databases in Investigative Work

The second workshop of the “Investigative Journalism Program: Stories on Organized Crime Issues” will cover investigative journalism ethics and database search. Workshop participants will work extensively on investigative stories. The workshop will be held on 5-8 December at Mediacentar Sarajevo. Journalists from B&H, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro will attend.
Journalists will learn how to search databases and understand their importance in investigative work. This part of the workshop will be led by Paul Christian Radu, multiple award-winning Romanian investigative journalist. For doing searches participants will use the Lexis Nexis database, one of the world’s most important and largest online databases.
They will also be acquainted with advanced web search and tools and techniques for successful online search.
During the workshop, journalists will work extensively on their own investigative stories with individual consultations with the chief trainers. This kind of work will prepare them to continue working online on stories which will be carried by their respective media outlets upon the completion of the workshop.
The workshop trainers are: Saša Leković – Mediacentar Sarajevo / Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb; Branko Čečen – Mediacentar Sarajevo; Nevena Ršumović, Editor-in-Chief of the educational portal and Trainer in Computer Assisted Reporting/CAR; and Paul Cristian Radu – Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism.
The fourth cycle of the five-month Investigative Journalism Program will be completed in January 2007.
All stories will also be posted on the NetNovinar web portal in the investigative journalism section
The Investigative Journalism Program is organized by NetNovinar - Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (Founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center from Zagreb).
The Program is financially supported by Open Society Fund B&H and Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.