Free Voices: Educational program on digital media production for journalists in BiH

Free Voices: Educational program on digital media production for journalists in BiH
Foto: Pixabay
"Free voices" is an educational program focused on digital production and development of digital communication strategies. The program is intended for students of journalism and young journalists with no more than three years of work experience, but also for a wider community of media professionals in BiH.
Young journalists/students of journalism from all communications and journalism faculties in BiH – total of eight chosen candidates – will attend a month-long educational and practical program about professional multimedia reporting. After intensive five-day training, participants will continue their training through an internship in one of the four partner newsrooms, in which they will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of multimedia reporting.
Second part of the project is focused on development of digital educational modules as a part of a new e-learning platform on Mediacentar’s website Through the platform's free, innovative and engaging approach, journalists will get an opportunity to attend online courses on different topics such as mobile journalism and data visualization.
"Program osnaživanja nezavisnih medija", Independent media empowerment program (IMEP)