DMF moderators and keynote speakers

DMF moderators and keynote speakers
List of moderators and keynote speakers of Digital Media Forum 2014 (Mediacentar Sarajevo, March 6-7, 2014).

Holds an M.A. in Political Science, with the certificate in Political Communication, from the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, and an M.A. in Media Innovation Management from the Berlin University of Professional Studies. Nevena has more than a decade of professional experience in media development focusing on journalism-related projects and new media, having worked for IREX ProMedia in BiH and Mediacentar Sarajevo and as a consultant and trainer for various organizations. She was editor-in-chief of the Mediacentar Sarajevo’s online publication for media professionals (previously Working for UNDP in Serbia (2010 - 2012) her focus was on furthering freedom of information, capacity building and outreach for the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection. She also implemented a project for the Commissioner (2012 - 2013) focusing on advocacy efforts pertaining to the rights of whistleblowers and creating a law aimed at their protection. She currently works at ANEM (Association of Independent Electronic Media) in Belgrade.

She works for TV B92 since the end of 2005. From the first day of its production she is a reporter-researcher for the award-winning show The Insider, responsible primarily for the analysis of documentation, data collection and verification. Prior to the arrival at The Insider (2001), she was a reporter for the political section of the daily newspapers Danas, with occasional involvement as desk editor. During her studies, she was an associate at Danas. She is a graduate of the Faculty of the Political Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia. She was born in Bajna Basta.

Journalist and media development specialist who has worked for almost a decade in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. He founded the Center for Investigative Reporting in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2004 and served as its editor and first director before the center became an independent, locally run organization. Today he serves as the director and an editor for the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Program, an organization he founded together with investigative reporting centers, media outlets, and reporters from a dozen countries. He also founded the Journalism Development Network, an innovative media development organization with programs in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Sullivan was a reporter or editor on work that won the Online Journalism Award for investigative reporting, the first ever Global Shining Light Award, and other prizes. He previously worked as an investigative reporter for the Tennessean newspaper in Nashville and for the Special Assignment Team of the Associated Press in New York. He has also served on the board of directors for the U.S.-based Investigative Reporters and Editors.

George Arnett is a data journalist working on the Guardian's Datablog vertical and has previously been published by Exaro News, the Daily Telegraph and the Independent. He is a graduate of the Interactive Journalism MA at City University, where he now also teaches data journalism.

Editor in chief of Ž, director of ACCOUNT anti-corruption network.

She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology and Ethnology from the University of Belgrade, and a Master’s Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in Southeast Europe from the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna’s joint program. She is currently working on her second Master’s Degree in Popular Culture and Media Audience at Faculty of Media and Communications, University of Belgrade. Her main areas of interest are LGBTIQ rights and peace activism. She works at Medicentar Sarajevo.

He graduated in 1986 from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, departments of philosophy and phonetics. From 1993 to 1996 he was a member of editorial board of "Arkzin", a journal of the Croatian anti-war campaign, and from 1994 to 2004 he worked as a journalist for Feral Tribune. He enters the world of the digital media in 2004, when he becomes the editor of the portal. In 2005, together with a group of associates, he launches the H-Alter portal, and is its editor-in-chief ever since. The H-Alter portal was selected several times among the top informative portals in Croatia’s national competition, and the interview with then newly selected president of SDP Zoran Milanović was selected as the most prominent interview in Croatian press in 2007 by the Croatian Journalists' Association.

16 years of reporting, producing, directing and media training. Founder of Snimaj sve!, the first platform for citizen journalism in BiH. He used to work as a radio and TV journalist for several Bosnian radio and TV stations. His professional experience includes positions of editor in chief of one of the radio networks in BiH and news editor of one of the leading TV stations. He is a certified BBC trainer for TV and radio in BiH. Media trainer for Mediacentar Sarajevo.

She is an associate professor at the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, where she teaches courses: Theory of Media, Media and Politics, and Online Communication. She is the author of books: “Earn and Then Rule: Media-Politics - Business in the Global World and in B&H” (2011) and “On-line Communication and Off-line Politics in B&H” (Internews, Sarajevo, 2006), and co-author of “Minorities and the Media in Bosnia-Herzegovina” (with Jelenka Voćkić-Avdagić, Asad Nuhanović and Valida Repovac-Pašić) (Faculty of Political Sciences, Sarajevo, 2010) and “Elections in 2010: How the Media Covered the Election Campaign” (with Davor Marko, Radenko Udovičić and Tatjana Ljubić) (Media Plan Institut, 2010). Her articles were published in scientific magazines in BiH, Croatia, Serbia, the USA, Colombia, Germany, Belgium and France.

Iva Biondić is the Head of Journalism Department at VERN' University in Zagreb, Croatia and a lecturer on Media Management, Media Industry and Media Entrepreneurship. She finished her MBA studies on IEDC Bled School of Management as well as media and business programs on Columbia University and Sloan School of Management at MIT. She is an author of a number of papers on media and PR and shares her deliberations on anthropomorphisation of technology and mediamorphisation of the humans on her blog Mediamorfoze. Her extensive theoretical knowledge of the media sector is based on a career in media and corporate communication and is acknowledged through her roles on program boards of media festivals in the region and participation on numerous conferences, forums and trainings.

In his rich career he combines two professions: economics and journalism. He is the CEO of FABRIKA, one of the three biggest full service agencies in BiH, established in 1998. He was president of International Advertising Association for BiH (IAA). Zaimović began his career as a journalist in 1988 at Youth Radio Sarajevo. Later on he started working intensively in media marketing - at Youth Radio, then SA3 channels, and came back to journalism as an editor and director of RTV BiH and OBN television. Senad Zaimović is one of the lecturers at postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo, and collaborates with Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, Mediacenter Sarajevo and many other organizations and associations.

Since 1996, Mr. Magzan has been working in design and creative direction, as well as more than a few successful entrepreneurial projects on Croatian market (,, MAXtv…), always breaking boundaries of the market itself. His main fields of experience are visual communications, ideation, strategic planning & development of new media. Currently he holds a position of CEO of Adriatic Media llc.

Eric is a developer and grant writer, focusing on journalism, communications, European affairs, and media development. Aside from working for several international foundations, he is permanently affiliated with the European Journalism Centre (EJC) as a business developer. Eric is also a lecturer in media economy at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne and the German University in Cairo.

Enes Osmancevic holds a PhD in journalism and is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla, and Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. He took part in three international exchange programs: "Relations Between Government and the Media" in 1999 in the USA, "Federalism, Democracy and Human Rights" in 2000 at ULB University in Brussels, Belgium, and during the 2003-2004 academic year he was the fellow of the US Government Scholarship as part of the Junior Faculty Development Program at University of Tennessee in Knoxville, USA. He was the president of the US Alumni Association in BiH and a member of Complaints Commission of the Press Council BiH. He published 4 books and 11 articles on informatisation, new media and public opinion in local and international magazines. He took part in various research projects, as well as local and international symposiums and conferences on media.

Senior Editor at HRT and Associate Professor of Television journalism at the Studies of Journalism, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb. Tena Perisin has been working as a reporter, editor and the producer at Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT). She has been in charge of the news digitalization project at HRT/Croatian Television in Zagreb and leading the project of the HRT’s News and Current Affairs Channel (HRT4). She was in charge of the News channel project until its launching at the end of 2012. Parallelly, she has pursuing her academic career, with the PhD in Communications she is teaching television journalism and production. At the MA programme, Tena Perisin teaches a course in English language Television News in the Multimedia Environment, a course about new trends in the media. She was one of the founders of Student TV established at the University and puts a lot of effort in bringing young energy to the HRT production.

Aleksandra Temenugova is part of the team that established the School of Journalism and PR in Skopje, Macedonia in 2008. Being the Head of the Journalism Study Program, she is continuously involved in the development and curricula modifications in accordance with the latest trends and requirements in higher education regarding new and digital media. Media. Temenugova has a special focus in media literacy and she manages numerous projects targeting youth since 2011 such as (De)construct the media and high school journalism hub She is also an Editor of the first high school newspaper "Medium" and a co-author of the Handbook for Media literacy for teachers in primary and secondary schools in Macedonia (MIM, Skopje, 2009). Temenugova is a former journalist, editor and anchor in the Macedonian national TV station Kanal 5 and a correspondent of Makfax news agency.