Interview the Document

Interview the Document
An American investigative journalist with decades of experience in all types of media and specialized in document and database searches suggests 25 questions you should ask any government-issued document.
1. Who’s your daddy?
Find out who created the document and why.
2. When were you born?
Find out the issue date and ask about updates.
3. What language do you speak?
Make sure you understand the terms.
4. Where do you live?
You might need to make another visit.
5. Who else is in your family?
Find out what other documents may be on file.
6. Are you married?
Is there another document that is wed to this one?
7. Why are you here?
Figure out the need for the document at the time of issuing.
8. Just what is your job anyway?
Understand its purpose today.
9. What information do you have?
Ask about every piece of information.
10. Who told you this stuff?
It had to learn the information from someone.
11. Who else are you allowed to talk with?
Find out if it’s a public record.
12. Did you verify the information?
People can write whatever they want on a form.
13. How do I know you’re telling me the truth?
Yes, documents can also lie to you.
14. What other secrets are you keeping?
Look for codes and fine print.
15. Who else have you been talking to?
Maybe there’s a log of who’s seen the file.
16. If you don’t know the answer, who might?
See if it leads you somewhere else.
17. Are you legal?
Make sure you don’t have a fake or altered document.
18. How did you get here?
Find out the normal flow of the document.
19. Are you retired?
Some documents have become obsolete.
20. What’s your life expectancy?
Check records retention policy.
21. Who have you been intimate with?
Find out who has processed or handled it.
22. Are you really a blonde?
Make sure someone hasn’t altered the document.
23. Do you have any twin brothers or sisters?
There may be copies in other offices.
24. Would you be willing to testify in court?
A certified copy will save court time.
25. You’re not planning on leaving town, are you?
Put your copies in a safe place.
© 2006. Don Ray, Burbank,,
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