12 journalists from South-East Europe selected for the training course 'Editorial ethics for online journalists'
The course 'Editorial ethics for online journalists' will be held at the Mediacentar Sarajevo from 24 to 28 April 2006. The training shall bring together editors and journalists from the media outlets in the SEENPM (South East European Network for Professionalisation of the Media) member countries.
The project aims to train the participants in the best practices in the field of journalistic internet ethics from the developed countries, enabling them to identify similar problems encountered in their work. The internet ethics best practices from the West shall be used as a framework for creating the first guidelines for internet ethics in online media, which are to be put together at the end of the course. Internet ethics guidelines shall be presented to the SEE media community via NetNovinar.org, the web portal for journalists’ education and interaction.
Organisations which are members of the South East European Network for Professionalisation of the Media have selected 12 participants from the SEE media outlets to attend in the course:
1. Ana Jurišić, journalist - RTV Slovenia’s web portal, www.rtvslo.si, Ljubljana, Slovenia2. Arlinda Gjonaj, journalist - Albanian telegraph agency, Tirana, Albania3. Ekaterina Tarpomanova, journalist - Bulgarian national radio, Sofia, Bulgaria4. Nataša Mirković, assistant editor - “Dnevnik” online edition, www.dnevnik.co.yu, Novi Sad, Serbia5. Endre Novak, journalist - “Origo” web portal, Budapest, Hungary 6. Iva Vukušuć, journalist - “Radio 101", Zagreb, Croatia7. Aurel Stratan, editor-in-chief – “Info-Prim Neo” news agency, Chisinau, Moldavia8. Mihai Mitrica, news and web editor - “Business Magazine”, www.businessmagazin.ro, Bucharest, Romania 9. Anita Vojnovska, editor – Macedonian portal for ecology, www.eko.net.mk, Skopje, Macedonia10. Olivera Ilić, editor – www.kragujevac.co.yu site, Kragujevac, Serbia11. Angelina Filipović, journalist – Mina news agency, Podgorica, Montenegro12. Marko Bijelić, editor - www.biznisblog.com web portal, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The training course shall involve participants’ high interaction and is expected to cover the following five thematic modules:
• Examining editorial ethics • Testing editorial ethics• Online challenges for journalistic ethics• Who needs journalistic ethics • Creating the online ethics for SEE
Lead trainer is David Brewer, an international expert in online journalism, online media management, journalism ethics and internet ethics. Mr. Brewer teaches at the University of Westminister and continues to write about the issues faced by the independent media in transition states.
This course is organised as part of the activities of the SEENPM network (www.seenpm.org)