NetNovinar with Journalism Students

Journalism students in Sarajevo and Banja Luka were very interested in a presentation of the NetNovinar portal ( and training center for journalists, joint projects of Mediacentar Sarajevo and Investigative Journalism Center from Zagreb. Along with students, some of their professors and instructors attended.
Numerous interested students filled the Faculty of Political Science of Sarajevo lecture-room and TANJUG Business Center hall in Banja Luka, so some of those present stood or sat on the floor.
NetNovinar, a unique educational portal for journalists in South East Europe, offers a lot of advice and practical examples from the work of experienced journalists which can be of great use to journalism students, agreed the visitors at both presentations.
Future journalists from the Sarajevo and Banja Luka faculties also agreed that they share a need for having as many workshops organized as possible which journalism students can attend.
- “We professors at journalism studies also visit NetNovinar and it is not rare for students to quote the portal in their works or discussions during lectures. I think the content that can be found there is an excellent supplement to the regular journalism studies program.” – said Prof. Jelenka Voćkić Avdagić, who attended the NetNovinar and training center presentation in Sarajevo.
- “We knew that many third and fourth year students regularly visit NetNovinar so we invited them to come, but we were surprised that first and second year students also showed interest in the presentation of the portal and training center for journalists and came on their own initiative.” – said Radmila Čokorilo, lecturer at the journalism department of the Philosophical Faculty of Banja Luka, announcing that she would continue to urge her students to use NetNovinar as a relevant source of useful practical advice in producing quality journalism.
Nevena Ršumović, Editor-in-Chief of the NetNovinar portal, and Saša Leković, head of the training center for journalists, answered students’ questions and invited them to join the NetNovinar directory, which allows them to communicate with more than one thousand journalists from some 50 countries, learn from examples of experienced colleagues and participate in making news stories, and also offers them a possibility of publishing.
Unfortunately, donors of media education projects as a rule do not sponsor workshops for students, only for active journalists. This increases the significance of NetNovinar for journalism students, as the NetNovinar training center will soon organize the first workshops for students at affordable prices.
Photograph: From the NetNovinar portal and training center presentation for journalism students of the Banja Luka Philosophical Faculty (courtesy of TANJUG Business Center).