Write a Marketing Plan for Your Media Outlet

You would like to write a marketing strategy for your media outlet? You would like to improve promotion? A three-day workshop on media marketing plans will help you do this. The workshop is designed for directors, owners, managers and everyone interested in advancing their know-how on the marketing elements of a media outlet.
The workshop “Effective Media Marketing Plan” will be held on February 19-21 at Mediacentar Sarajevo.
Participants will learn about methods of researching and defining the marketing market. They will learn how to establish listener, viewer and reader ratings of individual media outlets and they will be acquainted with SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is applied with the aim of analyzing a media outlet and SWOT analysis results are used as a basis for creating an action plan of a media outlet. Participants will understand the importance of defining a media outlet’s business goals and the importance of marketing services in creating a marketing plan.
Competition analysis and observing the obstacles, advantages and shortcomings of the competition will be part of the workshop.
Selection of marketing clients and the media outlet’s attitude toward them are a link in the media outlet’s marketing strategy and the trainer will therefore give a lot of attention to this module.
Participants will learn how to write a market strategy and sales plan. They will be acquainted with different ways of raising funding and learn how to make good personal promotion and advertising. At the end of the workshop, they will write a discussion version of a media marketing plan, applying all elements learned during the workshop.
The lead trainer is Gordana Svirac, who has worked as business consultant for many companies, such as USAID Media, Press Now, OSCE, IREX Promedia, and Mediacentar Sarajevo.
The workshop attendance fee is 450 KM (230 €). If an organization sends two or more participants, the attendance fee per person is 300 KM (153 €).
The application should contain a short curriculum vitae and candidate’s contacts.
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 8 February 2007.
Contact persons:
Lejla Kapetanovićlejla@media.baMaša Hilčišin Derviševićmasa@media.ba
Mediacentar SarajevoKolodvorska 3+ 387 33 715 840www.netnovinar.org
The workshop is organized by NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb)