Master Workshop: Narrative Journalism

You would like to learn more about elements of narrative expression and their application in journalism and use your literary skills, without crossing the line between journalism and fiction. An invitation for applications for Branko Čečen's Master Workshop: Narrative Journalism is open.
The date of the first workshop in narrative journalism is not set – NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo and Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb) will organize the workshop when enough participants apply. Depending on interest, workshops may be held in Sarajevo and Belgrade. All those interested in attending the workshop may send an e-mail to the addresses, or with a note on whether they wish to attend a two-day workshop or a four-day workshop and specifying in what city they want to attend the workshop.
The participation fee for a two-day workshop is 200 KM (102 Euro) and for a four-day workshop the fee is 400 KM (205 Euro). Participants will cover their own living and travel expenses. Following the workshop, participants will receive a diploma on completion of the workshop.
The lecturer based the program of the “Narrative Journalism” workshop on many years of experience of international media educators in the area of narrative journalism, with full awareness of the limitations and specific circumstances in which journalists in the region work.
Thanks to the nature of narrative journalism, working on mastering its essence, methods of work and elements is interesting and inspiring at the same time.
The workshop methods and exercises are selected or adjusted to the literary and journalism tradition, language and situation in the newsrooms from which participants come.
Branko Čečen is a longtime journalist and editor in Belgrade print media. He is a regular trainer at NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education.
Here is what the lead lecturer says about the upcoming workshop:“I started my career fascinated by the creators of the American New Journalism, but with the exception of Tom Wolfe’s encyclopedic edition ‘The New Journalism’ and his extensive preface, I did not have any sources of know-how on this whole matter. So I worked the way I thought was right, which was not always ‘right’, although with full respect for that only available authority. It’s clear, I babbled occasionally, but after sources of theoretical and practical education in narrative journalism became available, especially during my stay in the United States, when I saw how legitimate this discipline of journalism was and how far it had come… My whole experience, positive and negative, which I had actively built for more than 10 years, constantly writing almost exclusively narrative articles, came together in a clear and well laid out system, with recognizable borders and fantastic freedom within them. I was ecstatic. I felt like Mowgli in ‘The Jungle Book,’ when the boy realizes that, besides him, there are other members of his species in the world and then even falls in love with a girl. So, in the end, after a lot of reading and talking to American colleagues, I felt ready to design this program for which I am sure at least this: it won’t be boring and it will give participants an abundance of information, cultural, theoretical and practical. How much it will actually help participants in everyday work, they themselves will later tell us.”
You can see the two-day workshop program here and the four-day workshop program here.
Contact persons for more information:Maša Hilčišin Derviševićmasa@media.baLejla Kapetanovićlejla@media.baMediacentar SarajevoKolodvorska 3+ 387 33 715 840
The workshop is organized by NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb)