Addressing Online Hate Speech in South East Europe: The Role of Media Accountability

Addressing Online Hate Speech in South East Europe: The Role of Media Accountability
This regional conference is organized in the framework of the EU-UNESCO project “Media Accountability in South East Europe”. The overall goal is to enhance freedom of expression, to promote dialogue, democracy and development in South East Europe through fostering ethical and professional standards in journalism.
The conference aims at tackling the issue of online hate speech in South East Europe given the continuing challenge faced in identifying ways to reconcile the need to protect and promote the right to freedom of opinion and expression, on the one hand, and to combat discrimination and incitement to hatred, on the other. In the post-conflict situation of the South East European region, hate speech is a common challenge for most countries. In addition, as online media are gaining in importance, this development implies particular challenges when it comes to hate speech.
Prior to the conference, through the financial support of the European Commission, a research was conducted in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (UNSCR1244), FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey. With the additional sponsorship of the Norwegian government and the Ethical Journalism Network an identical research project was completed in the other six SEENPM countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Slovenia. The regional research coordinated by the Albanian Media Institute identified the main trends regarding hate speech in online media and described the measures undertaken by media and other organizations to address the situation, their efficiency and impact on freedom of expression. The research also served as a basis for national roundtable discussions in Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina, Skopje, Istanbul, and Tirana in May-September 2013.
Based on the outcome of the research and the results of the national roundtable discussions, the regional event in Sarajevo will provide an opportunity for the participants to exchange experience and good practices on how to address hate speech in online media. A special focus will be put on media self-regulatory mechanisms. This event will, therefore, serve as a venue to assess the current situation of media accountability in the region and share success stories on the know-how of establishing and running independent press councils in transitional societies.
The event is expected to gather over sixty participants among others media practitioners, researchers, legal experts, the representatives of press councils, and policy makers.
October 16, Wednesday
Arrival of participants
14.00 - Registration
Addressing online hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(In Bosnian with English translation)
15.00 – 15.15 Introduction
• Sinisa Sesum, Senior Programme Officer, Head of Antenna UNESCO Venice Office in Sarajevo
• Adeline Hulin, UNESCO consultant
15.15 – 16.15 Session I – Online Hate Speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Extent, nature and (self) regulative practices
Moderator: Sanela Hodzic, Mediacentar Sarajevo
• Ljiljana Zurovac, Press Council,
• Nidzara Ahmetasevic, researcher
• Vladana Vasić, Coalition for Combat Against Hate Speech and Hate Crime
• Mehmed Agović, Ministry of Communications and Transport BiH
• Lejla Turčilo, Faculty of Political Sciences
Introduction (5 minutes), based on the conducted research: hate speech in BiH, trends and major issues (moderator)
Discussion with the speakers on the following key questions (up to 35 minutes):
• Hate speech as a main factor of ethnic division of BH public sphere: Extent, nature, and consequences;
• Effects of regulation, self-regulation and judicial remedies? How visible are they and how do they impact the public? What needs to be improved?
• ‘’Grey Zone’’ of the hate speech regulation: which online platforms do we consider “online media”? What are the dangers and the reach of both regulation and self-regulation?
• Beyond (self) regulation – what is there to count on after the (self) regulatory mechanisms are exhausted?
Open discussion with the audience (20 -30 minutes)
16.15 – 16.30 Coffee break
16.30 – 17.30 Session II – Media Responses to Online Hate Speech
Moderator: Slobodanka Dekic, Mediacentar Sarajevo
• Fuad Kovacevic, Al Jazeera Balkans,web portal editor
• Kenan Cerimagić, TV Hyat
• Djordje Vujatovic, RTRS Online
• Vanja Stokic,
• Tatjana Sekulic,
The session will focus on everyday experiences of online media and their editors in preventing hate speech. We will discuss existence and need for internal policies in hate speech regulation; topics that are the most ‘critical’ in provoking hate speech; how to set up the control over the hate speech and in the same time build the relation with the audience; what are the experiences and challenges with broadcasting media on social networks; how to mobilize the audience and educate it regarding hate speech and freedom of expression?
Open discussion with the audience (20 - 30 minutes)
19.00 – Reception for all participants
October 17, Thursday
Addressing online hate speech in South East Europe
(In English with Bosnian translation)
9.00 – 9.15 – Introduction
• Tarja Turtia, UNESCO
• Andy McGuffie, Head of the Communications and spokespersons EUD/EUSR
• Nina Suomalainen, Deputy Head of Mission OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
9.15 – 11.00 – Session I – The findings of the regional research on online hate speech
Overview of the project on media accountability in South East Europe by UNESCO consultant Adeline Hulin
Moderator: Remzi Lani, Albanian Media Institute
• Ilda Londo, Albanian Media Institute
• Dubravka Valic Nedeljkovic, Novi Sad School of Journalism
• Ceren Sozeri, Galatasaray University
• Petrit Saracini, Macedonian Institute for Media
• Daniela Brkic, Montenegro Media Institute
• Qerim Ondozi, Kosovo Press Council
Discussion with the speakers on the following key questions:
• What are the main specificities of online hate speech in South East Europe?
• Is it more complicated to address hate speech online than offline?
• How is online hate speech addressed by the judiciary in South East Europe?
• What has already been done by media to avoid hate speech? Was it efficient?
• What are the challenges for freedom of expression when addressing online hate speech?
• What are the main recommendations of the research?
11.15–11.30 – Coffee break
11.30–13.00 – Session II – Media Responses to online hate speech
Moderator: Brankica Petkovic, Peace Institute, Ljubljana
• Ljiljana Zurovac, Press Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Alfred Lela, Mapo newspaper, Albania
• Chistian Spahr, director, Media Program South East Europe, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
• Andrew Smith, Article 19
Discussion with the speakers on the following key questions:
• What are the international standards to best protect freedom of expression while addressing online hate speech?
• Why is media accountability an effective way to counter the spread of hate speech online?
• How can a press council address the issue of hate speech in the media?
13.00–14.00 – Lunch
14.00–15.30 – Session III – Media accountability in the Internet era, challenges and successes
Moderator: Daphne Koene, Netherlands Press Council
• Yavuz Baydar, P24 Media Platform, Founding Member
• Gordana Novakovic, Press Council of Serbia
• Gordana Borovic, Media Council of Montenegro
• Flutura Kusari, Kosovo Press Council
• Mirce Adamcevski, Macedonian Institute for Media
Discussion with the speakers on the following key questions:
• What are the main challenges for media accountability mechanisms in the digital era?
• Have press councils in South East Europe adapted their codes of ethics to the Internet?
• Which guidelines have been specifically changed?
• Are press councils in South East Europe accepting online media as members?
• Has the role of a news ombudsman changed in the internet era?
• What are the main challenges to the creation of press councils in South East Europe?
15.30 – 15.45 – Coffee break
15.45 – 17.00 – Session IV – European standards, recommendations, conclusions
Moderator: Aidan White, Ethical Journalism Network
• Presentation by Radka Betcheva, EBU, on self-regulation practices of public service broadcasters on hate speech
• Presentation by Marianne Rasmussen, Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, of the Online Media Self-regulation Guidebook
19.00 – Dinner
November 18, Friday
List of registered participants is available here.
Twitter: #SEEhatespeech
Facebook page: Mediacentar Sarajevo